Monday, September 22, 2008

Hello world!

Ever wonder why you can never think up anything to write when just moments ago, you had a ton of ideas? Well, I'm getting hit by that treacherous thing right now. For some weird reason, every time I write a Hello-World-slash-mandatory-first-blog-post this happens.

Anyway, welcome to the Young Underpaid Professionals blog. Let's face it, we’re the yuppies of this generation and that’s what the term yuppies stand for these days. In this blog, we plan to chronicle the life of the new yuppies, and everything else in between.

Of course, "everything else in between" covers the things that keeps us from going overboard (or over bored). We all have our means of escape and for these three yuppies, the escape hatches are tagged and neatly categorized. Anime and Manga, Cooking and Baking, Sports and Things that require getting off your ass, among other things.

So here’s to the new yuppies and to world domination. (Meet the Yuppies later.)